The Art of Soothing
This project is a personal reaction to the fear & uncertainty that many of us have felt this year. I chose to explore the anxieties I personally experience, along with the methods I’ve learned to soothe myself.
I cataloged my fears & the tools I use to alleviate them, and I have translated them into visual forms.
I began by writing down the anxious thoughts that cross my mind and taking note of the way they make me feel. From there, I searched for images that gave me the same physical reaction, and I compiled them into the above mood board.
For every anxious thought I'd written down, I found the response that calmed me. Again, I paid attention to what calmness felt like in my body. I went through the same process to create a visual depiction of "soothing" and identified the elements that create a sense of calm.
In order to create a distinct set of fears & responses, I assigned systems to each. The anxious visual system includes overwhelming, typography, jarring color & a heavy background, while the soothing visual system has light typography, tranquil color, and organic backgrounds.